Idea board
Generate images easily with a single prompt. Enter the prompt, set the style and voila! a unique and rich image. All generated images are saved with your store.
Work on articles before they are ready to be read, keep your article in draft mode until ready.
With Blogity we provide some default templates to help you get started, but we also provide some custom templates that you can created based on your existing articles.
Blogity backs up your work every day as you work on your article, and each time you save or publish.
Change the URL slug of your article using the article meta data section.
Create rich and engaging content using the Editor blocks, drop them in, customize and rearrange.
Ideate and add new ideas to your idea board, a unified place to store and organise article ideas.
Introducing the image gallery block, a great way to show off images in your blog posts.
The subscribe form can easily be embedded in your article and hooks right into Shopify's built-in subscription feature.
Our Shopify app is deeply integrated into your Shopify store, this allows you to easily and quickly include images of your store.
Boost Organic Traffic to your Shopify Store with Blogity